Are MycoDog mushrooms harvested sustainably?
Our harvesting methods are quite sustainable, as we do not remove the growing part of the mushroom- so they can regrow and flourish while continuing to live in symbiosis with their substrate/host.
Fungi play a vital role in maintaining a healthy ecosystem by facilitating Nutrient Cycling. Reishi primarily feeds on hardwood trees, particularly oaks, and their fallen logs, branches, and buried roots. As a saprobe (fungi that grow on dead substrate), it contributes to the forest’s cleanliness and recycles nutrients back into the soil.
When only the fruiting body is used and picked, the best part of the mushroom is removed, leaving its root structure, mycelium, intact on the tree or substrate. Just like picking a grape doesn’t harm the vine, the same applies. The mushroom roots are left to continue to feed and create new fruiting bodies while continuing to help the ecosystem thrive.
Fungi play a vital role in maintaining a healthy ecosystem by facilitating Nutrient Cycling. Reishi primarily feeds on hardwood trees, particularly oaks, and their fallen logs, branches, and buried roots. As a saprobe (fungi that grow on dead substrate), it contributes to the forest’s cleanliness and recycles nutrients back into the soil.
When only the fruiting body is used and picked, the best part of the mushroom is removed, leaving its root structure, mycelium, intact on the tree or substrate. Just like picking a grape doesn’t harm the vine, the same applies. The mushroom roots are left to continue to feed and create new fruiting bodies while continuing to help the ecosystem thrive.